This mask was worn by Richard Divizio, the actor who portrayed Baraka in the game. They painted the mask to enhance its horrifying appearance and added false fingernails to appear as long fangs. While brainstorming possible character ideas for Mortal Kombat II, several designers visited a local costume shop and found a Nosferatu mask. As a loyal warrior, he fights for those whom he calls 'master'. Although he has had numerous incursions with the Earthrealm warriors, he does not appear to have any particular rivalry or hatred towards Earth or its inhabitants. Like most members of his race, Baraka possesses long blades extending from his forearms. He belongs to a race of nomadic mutants, later revealed in Mortal Kombat: Deception to be called Tarkata, a crossbreed between vile Netherrealm demons and denizens of Outworld, apparently populating the vast wastelands of Outworld. Baraka was introduced as a mean, unforgiving, and unpredictable warrior in service of The Emperor Of Outworld, (Shao Kahn) in Mortal Kombat II.